Controllership is an activity and a field of hybrid knowledge, which receives concepts and knowledge from Accounting and Management, being responsible for supplying information to decision makers in the Company.
From an accounting point of view, due to this close relationship with Management, controllership can be considered as belonging to the specialized branch of administrative accounting.
It primarily uses control and the planning and budgeting process as methodologies in the performance of its functions.
The person in charge of the controllership area in a company is called a controller. A staff body, that is, advisory and consultancy, outside the hierarchical pyramid of the organization.
Controllership is based on an information system and a multidisciplinary vision, being responsible for the modeling, construction and maintenance of information systems and management models of organizations, in order to adequately meet the information needs of managers, leading them during the management process to make better decisions
Economic viability of projects.
The economic feasibility study involves both strictly economic aspects and a reflection on issues directly related.
On the one hand, strictly economic issues and, on the other, issues that imply defining the relationships that the people involved in the project will establish among themselves, the tasks, commitments and responsibilities to be jointly assumed.
It implies, at first, knowing how to choose the questions about the project we intend to carry out and seek answers to those questions.
In a second, based on the answers, the calculations necessary to analyze the economic viability of the project
EVA - Economic Value Added.
New controllership, responsible for the coordination and dissemination of advanced management technologies for results, assuming the role of agglutinating body and guiding efforts of the other managers, leading to the optimization of the organization's overall result.
Implementation / review of the chart of accounts, accounting entries, balance sheets, income statements. Adherence to legislation. Mandatory accounting books, other accounting statements.
Management accounting.
Implementation / revision of the management accounting accounts plan, management accounting entries, balance sheet calculation and management results.
Tax Records:
We carry out technical, confidential work to adapt the impact of taxes to your business, under current legal rules, considering the perspective of SPED's activities. Mandatory tax books: federal, state and municipal. Evaluation of fiscal bookkeeping. Tax risks. Adherence to legislation. Inspection. Tax assessment. Evaluation of the most advantageous form of taxation under Real, Presumed or Simple Profit. Tax / legal statements.
Plan & Control
Budget & Forecasts:
It is an administrative tool, which aims to understand the reality, assess the paths, build a future reference, structuring the appropriate procedure and periodically reassessing the entire process for which it is intended..
It is the rational side of the action. An abstract and explicit deliberation process that chooses and organizes actions, anticipating the expected results.
This deliberation seeks to achieve, considering the environmental limitations, the pre-defined objectives